RFP-Security Cameras
Questions & Answers
1) Who will supply the network switches?
The school district will provide the network switches for the security cameras.
2) Are all of the buildings, field house, bus barn, middle school, all wired to the MDF in the high school? Yes, they
all go back to the MDF at the high school but have their own network switches in their own building.
3) Are the PK-2 and 3-5 schools on the same MDF? Yes
4) For the remote building located behind the Elementary library: Are you looking to add wireless service as well as
IP cameras? Not at this time.
5) Have any areas been identified so far which will require conduit to be run? Maybe at the Elementary campus in
certain areas.
6) Is there a preference of an on-site recording solution versus an off-site cloud system? No
7) How many cameras are needed for each building?
Administration Building-- 13 exterior, 8 interior
Pre-k thru 2 Building--- 40 exterior, 22 interior
3 thru 5 Building-- 22 exterior, 14 interior
Middle School--25 exterior, 28 interior
High School -47 exterior, 67 interior
Ag Building --6 exterior, 6 interior
Field House & Maintenance Bldg-- 19 exterior/interior
Bus Barn--6 exterior
8) Can proposals be hand delivered? All proposals should be mailed to:
Technology Department
Troup ISD
201 North Carolina St
Troup, Texas 75789
9) Can vendors be present at the proposal opening? Yes
10) Is a Surrity Bond required? Yes