School Board » Board Members

Board Members


2023-24 Troup ISD Board Members

board members 
board member JH
Jake Howard
Place 1
5/6/2023 - 5/8/2027
Mr. Jake Howard is retired from the military and is a former Troup ISD teacher/coach.  He has two children who are Troup ISD students.  
board member VB
Dr. Vic Bansal
Place 2
5/6/2023 - 5/2/2026
Dr. Vic Bansal is an anesthesiologist with Christus Mother Frances Hospital in Tyler.  He has two children who are Troup ISD students.  
board member SJ
Shane Jasper,
Place 3
5/6/2017 - 5/2/2026
Mr. Shane Jasper is a Background Investigator with the Tyler Police Department.  He has one child who is a Troup ISD student.  He is a graduate of THS, Class of 1990.
HD board member
Homer Dickey
Place 4
Mr. Homer Dickey works in the ministry.  He has two children who are Troup ISD students.  He is a graduate of THS, Class of 1994.
board member TL
Ty Lindsey
Place 5

Mr. Ty Lindsey is a business owner.  He has two children who are current Troup ISD students.  He is a graduate of THS, Class of 2006. 
board member LL

Lisa Lewis,
Board Secretary
Place 6

Mrs. Lisa Lewis is a consultant with the National Health Insurance Company.  She has one child who is a Troup ISD student.  
board member TK
Todd Kelly,
Vice President
Place 7
Mr. Todd Kelly owns and operated Kelly AC.  He has four children who are current Troup ISD students and one Troup ISD graduate.
Conflicts of Interest: None at this time.
Any communication to Board Members may also be sent by email to
Carri Jackson at [email protected].